Saturday, February 21, 2009

Autumn's 4th and Noah's 2nd Birthday!!!

We had the kids birthday party on Valentine's Day at the Children's Museum. Valentine's Day was a crazy, fun day for us. Below are birthday pictures...

This is the car Noah got for his birthday. Autumn barely fits into it, but Noah loves to push her in it.

This was on their actual birthday - Papa and Gramma Garcia and Adam came to celebrate.

Noah taking Papa for a walk around the Children's Museum. Wonder which one of them slept better that night?

Birthday boys gets his crown on before everyone starts singing.

Autumn shows Noah how to look excited when people start singing Happy Birthday.

Autumn knows what to do...

Noah needs some help.

Autumn opening a gift.

The kids in the big red chair on the way out of the Children's Museum. They're starting to look tired...

The ride home.

Noah's Godmother Rebekah stopped by afterward to drop off some dessert and gifts for the kids.

Noah is thrilled with all the new blocks that Rebekah gave him.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Valentine’s Day

It was two years ago on Valentine’s Day that Maria checked in to the Ronald McDonald House of Durham. She was discharged from Duke Hospital and forced to leave our broken-hearted, two day old newborn son behind. When Maria walked out of the hospital she was scared, tired, sore, cold, lonely, and upset. The only time we had ever been to the area before checking in to be induced into labor was for a brief visit to check out the hospital and meet the surgeon who operated on Noah. We knew how to get to the hospital and we figured out a way back home and that was all we really knew of the area. When Maria checked out of the hospital on Valentine’s Day she was alone because I had gone home to be with Autumn who had caught a nasty virus. Upon being discharged from the hospital at 4:00 p.m., Maria called the shuttle service to get a ride to the Ronald McDonald House. She shuttle service didn’t start running until 6:00, though. With weather conditions being cold and wet and Maria being tired and sore, she didn’t know where to go for help, so she called the Ronald McDonald House who sent a volunteer to pick her up. When Maria arrived at the Ronald McDonald House, she found our room, A-5, and found that a bag of Valentine’s goodies had been left by some local school children. That ride to the House by a volunteer and that goodie bag left by a stranger offered Maria a little light in one of the darkest times of her life.This Valentine’s Day we were back at the Ronald McDonald House but this time it was to give back and to hopefully brighten someone’s day. It was a blessing to be able to give back. Below are some pictures…
Papa looking up at the ceiling tiles decorated by guests of the House.

The ladies eating in the dining room after the cooking was done.

The kids on the butterfly bench.

The Brooks Family on the butterfly bench.

Room A-5 with the Valentine's gifts we left at each gest's door.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Noah Standing Up

Noah has been standing up without assistance for a couple of days. Here's a video of him getting up, cheering for himself and going back down. Hopefully, for his bottom's sake, the going down part will improve.