Saturday, May 16, 2009

Autumn's Dance Recital

Autumn had her dance recital at the Carolina Theatre today. She and her ballet and tap dance classmates did a great job. They were cute. Below are some pictures.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Autumn's Dance Recital Rehearsal Pictures

Autumn getting her hair done.
Autumn and Maria up in the balcony.

Autumn's fan section.

The ballet - Autumn is the the furthest dancer to the right in the front row.

More ballet.

More ballet.

Every princess needs a wand.

Tap dance portion - Autumn is the furthest dancer to the right in the back row.

More tap.

More tap.

More tap.

Autumn in her tap outfit on the staircase at the Carolina Theatre.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Autumn really likes her tap outfit.
Little Miss Autumn & Miss Peyton being very silly in the studio.

Here is the whole dance group, the front row was suppose to cross their hearts. The back row was going for a graceful arms over the head. As you can see it is hard to get 3 & 4year olds to follow directions

Autumn does a little warm up before picture time.
Tapping away!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Last Soccer game

Autumn likes her new trophy,
Jacob, Autumn and Peyton with their trophies

Autumn is very proud!

The whole T-Rex team.

Go Autumn go!