Friday, January 22, 2010

My parents trip to Okinawa

My parents spent Christmas in Okinawa with my sister and her family. They had a great time and took some awesome pictures. Here are a few.

I see they've named their version of the Toyota minivan after my son.

Christmas 2009

Autumn decorating homemade gingerbread cookies for Santa.
Noah decorating/eating gingerbread cookies for Santa.

Our Christmas card picture.

All the gifts around the tree on the night of Christmas Eve.

Noah opening a car on Christmas morning.

Autumn opening a gift in her new chef hat.

The kids used their new wagon to watch TV from.

Christmas party at my parents house.

Papa Nato flying Autumn at Maria's parents house.

Papa Nato flying Noah at Maria's parents house.

More December Snow

Snow falling on the back yard.
Noah enjoyed the snow from the inside.

Autumn makes a snow angel.

Autumn braving the cold while Noah and Maria watch from inside.

The penguin looks right at home.

Noah looking out at a winter wonderland.

The back porch the morning after the snow.

Noah suiting up - he might want to put your pants on first next time.

A video of Noah enjoying the snow from the inside.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Still a Patriots Fan

Though they lost their playoff game, we're still Patriots fans.