Saturday, September 11, 2010

Noah's First Day of Pre-K

Noah was very excited to go to school. He started Pre-K classes twice a week at Adams Farm Community Church and he loves it.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Autumn's First Day of Kindergarten

Our big girl is off to public school and she loves it. As I tell everyone who asks how she likes it, she seems to be disappointed everyday when it's time to go home.

Marching into school.

Found her seat.

Time to say goodbye.

Duke Heart Trasplant Picnic

Duke Hospital had a picnic at the Duke Gardens to celebrate 25 years of heart transplants. Noah was their 597th heart transplant.

Autumn got her face painted - she's a cute puppy.

Santa's Land - Part 1

I finally got to take my family to the best roadside attraction in the world, Santa's Land in Putney, VT.

Sweethearts on Sweetheart Bridge.

Noah in the schoolhouse.

Santa had the day off, but Mrs. Clause was in.


Kid at heart.

Brothers reliving the magic of Santa's Land.

The big slide - not quite as fast as I remember.

Autumn and Ellen went down the big slide quite a few times.

Santa's Land - Part 2

Albino deer in the deer park came to see if we had any food.

Maria looks frightened!

I think if Norman Rockwell ever saw this picture, he'd want to paint it.



Hard to get a shot on the teacups because Autumn was spinning the entire time.

The cars.

The boats. Noah says "Hi, Jenn!"
Sweethearts on Sweethearts Bridge.

Autumn writing Santa a leter asking for a dog.

Me posing.
Chris is TACKY!