Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Recent Duke Visit & Prayers For PJ

Yesterday my family visited the Duke Hospital PICU and it was great being there as just a visitor. We saw many of the people we had hoped to see and they all complimented Noah’s growth. Even the surgeon who performed both of Noah’s surgeries took a minute to come look at Noah and give a compliment, which made us feel really good. Heck, just to see the man smile when he saw Noah made me feel good. It was an overall good visit and Noah’s cardiologist even cut one of Noah’s medicines out of the lineup while we were there.

Unfortunately, we did see one of the families that we had gotten to know there was also back, but they were not there just for a visit. I didn’t ask them for specifics on their son’s condition, but I could tell that it was not good. So I pray for them and their son that PJ has a quick recovery and will return home soon. PJ is a little fighter and deserves some time to just be well again.

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