Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Want to go for a ride?

Second Snow

The whole family got up in time to go out into the second little snow storm of the season.

Autumn's Big Show at Gymnastics

Thursday, January 17, 2008

First Snow

I woke up this morning at 3:30 after hearing Noah fill up his diaper and looked for snow but there was none. Then I heard Noah filling up his diaper again at 4:00. I again looked for snow and again I saw none. Then I got up when my alarm went off at 5:30 and the ground was covered. It was great. I couldn’t wait anymore by 7:00, so I picked Autumn up as she slept and brought her outside. As soon as she heard the door open she looked out at the snow and said “Let’s go get our jackets on!” It was raining by that point but we still played until we were getting wet and cold. We threw slush balls and stomped on them and we even made a little slush man. I thought it was too wet and cold for Noah so I just showed him what was left of the snow through the window when he woke up.

Monday, January 7, 2008


As we enter 2008, we can’t help but think back to those who helped get us through 2007. People often comment on how tough it must have been to have had a son who had a heart transplant at such a young age while having our two year old daughter going through it with us. For us, taking it one day at a time helped, but it was all the support that we got that really helped to pull us through. We’ve got to give a great big thanks to all those who gave us support over the last year, from those who were right there with us, to those who called/mailed us, to those who prayed for my family. Here, in no particular order, are some of those we could not have done without:

  • God for all His blessings
  • Our son Noah for being strong, never giving up, and for putting things into perspective for us
  • Our daughter Autumn for being so understanding and such a great and loving big sister
  • All Noah’s caring and talented caretakers at Duke Hospital
  • The donor family for making a selfless choice and giving our son a better chance of living a healthy life
  • Noah’s (and Autumn’s) pediatrician who is always available and looking out for all of us
  • The Ronald McDonald House of Durham and all those who give their time, talents and money to that wonderful organization for giving us a place close to our son that felt like home
  • Our families for being there for us all the time
  • Our friends and coworkers who supported us in so many ways
  • Blue Cross & Blue Shield – we were able to not have to worry about the cost because of them
  • Our neighbors and their friends who really helped us out when we brought Noah home from his lengthy hospital stay
  • The prayer groups and individuals that we didn’t even know who prayed for us and sent us cards
  • The families we met at the hospital and the Ronald McDonald House who gave s support and really kept us sane through the toughest time.

I’m sure there are others who we have not thought of. If you are one, please know that we are grateful. We know that we would not have wanted to go through the year without you.