Thursday, January 17, 2008

First Snow

I woke up this morning at 3:30 after hearing Noah fill up his diaper and looked for snow but there was none. Then I heard Noah filling up his diaper again at 4:00. I again looked for snow and again I saw none. Then I got up when my alarm went off at 5:30 and the ground was covered. It was great. I couldn’t wait anymore by 7:00, so I picked Autumn up as she slept and brought her outside. As soon as she heard the door open she looked out at the snow and said “Let’s go get our jackets on!” It was raining by that point but we still played until we were getting wet and cold. We threw slush balls and stomped on them and we even made a little slush man. I thought it was too wet and cold for Noah so I just showed him what was left of the snow through the window when he woke up.


Anonymous said...

Awww, she is too cute! Looks like she had a great time! Wish we could have gotten some of that here!

Rebekah said...

Love your slush man Autumn!!! Hope you get some "real" snow today to play in!