Saturday, September 6, 2008

Another Prayer Answered

Autumn has been praying for a trampoline and a baby sister lately. Thanks to a coworker and her husband, we now have a trampoline in our backyard. Autumn has also recently prayed that one of Maria's coworkers would not need surgery when it appeared that she would. Maria's coworker didn't end up needing sugery. Autumn also prayed that her grandmother would get more kittens and kittens appeared at grandma's house that same day. So, Maria and I are really hoping that Autumn prays that her baby sister won't come for a while!

Thanks bunches to Mike & Angela for bringing over the trampoline and staying to set it up for us. Autumn, a few nieghborhood kids, and I jumped on it until it was dark. We had a blast and hopefully we'll sleep well tonight!

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