Monday, December 29, 2008

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 2008

The Christmas tree before the kids came down.
Autumn looks like she is ready to dive right in.
Here they are getting ready but had to stop for a few pics.

Noah spent a while on his gift but eventually he got his John Deere Tractor out and started riding. As a matter of fact I think he stopped right there and didn't really open much more.

Autumn must have went thru like 6 diapers on Christmas day with her new Baby Alive. It drinks from a bottle then pees it out. It was fun watching her change the diapers.

Noah's new hat from cousin Ellen, Uncle Chris and Aunt Jenn

Autumn just looks so cute right here.

Tim opens some gifts at his parents house. Too bad it was all part of Ann's nasty game to gross him out.

Noah can knock people out with his new wooden car.

Autumn and her big mouth! This was at Tim's parent's house.

We all had wonderful Christmas and we hope you all had a good one as well. We hope that the New Year is filled with joy, happiness, good health and most of all Gods wonderful promises for each and everyone of you.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Noah at Greensboro Children's Museum

I got to spend the day with Noah and we went to the Greensboro Children's Museum. Here are some pictures of Noah there. He rode all over the museum on the yellow bike pictured below. He also climbed up on the bike by himself. Speaking of climbing, Noah climbed all 14 steps to the second floor of our house on his first attempt on the stairs tonight - time to get the gate out again!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Bye Bye

Bye bye - it's Noah's thing.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Autumn's Message To Her Cousins

I just figured out that I can upload videos. Here is a message to Alexa & Clara and a message to Ellen.

Christmas Preparations

Autumn's A.F.O. (Autumn's Famous Omlette)
Kids playing in the dogs beds. We doggie-sat for Gram & Pop while they were away for Thanksgiving.

Autumn fell asleep watching The Polar Express with her Scooby Doo and her Polar Express book.
Autumn hangs the first ornament on the tree>

Daddy still fluffing the artificial tree.

Noah inspecting the tree and lights.

Noah wasn't able to help too much with decorating but he did get in on the homemade gingerbread cookies.

The lights from the outside.

Live Christmas Concert featuring two great strummers.

A short video.