Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Preparations

Autumn's A.F.O. (Autumn's Famous Omlette)
Kids playing in the dogs beds. We doggie-sat for Gram & Pop while they were away for Thanksgiving.

Autumn fell asleep watching The Polar Express with her Scooby Doo and her Polar Express book.
Autumn hangs the first ornament on the tree>

Daddy still fluffing the artificial tree.

Noah inspecting the tree and lights.

Noah wasn't able to help too much with decorating but he did get in on the homemade gingerbread cookies.

The lights from the outside.

Live Christmas Concert featuring two great strummers.

A short video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute is that video!? Oh my goodness that's adorable! When Alexa sees that she'll be wanting a guitar too. Your house looks so pretty too! Love all the pictures and the kids are growing so much!! Give them our love. Miss and Love you all!!