Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring Break 2010

So for spring break we went to the beach with some good friends, while Tim stayed behind to put new kitchen floors in. It was Noah's first trip to the beach and Autumn is just a natural beach bum. We had a really good time with Eric, Courtney and Peyton! Thanks Guys!
After the long car ride and the thousand times Autumn asked me "are we there yet" we finally made it to the beach.
Noah was a little nervous so he preferred to stay on the towel. He wouldn't even let his feet touch the sand.

My babies and I at the beach! Notice it is still a no go with touching the sand for Noah. He actually was crying a little because he thought I was going to put him down.

He got better when I took him to his towel.

The girls were soaked before we left for the day.

Autumn enjoying the ferry ride to the aquarium.

Noah did not enjoy the ride on the ferry. We went inside after this.

Ok, he obviously still did not like the ferry ride after we went inside. Poor thing!

The kiddos at the aquarium.

Noah always enjoys water he can splash in.

Watch out that crab ate Autumn!

Best friends!!!

Second day much better for Noah he made it off his towel.

The girls playing in the ocean even though it was freezing. Crazy kids!

Autumn was a little mad because we made them get out of the water.

The kids enjoying the lunch we packed. Noah is off the towel!!!

Just playing

3rd day was much better for swimming.

Look mom I don't even need a towel today! Lol! He actually got in the water on this day.

Lunch again and the three amigos are all enjoying it!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Children's Miracle Network Hat

On Tuesday, April 6, Maria and I brought Noah to share Noah’s heart transplant story with Walmart and Sam’s Club employees at their Children’s Miracle Network Fundraiser kick-off. It was awesome to be able to express our thanks for their work on the third anniversary of Noah’s heart transplant. The organizer from Duke Children’s Hospital, our Children’s Miracle Network hospital, gave us a bag of goodies for coming which included a hat that I was fond of. As soon as I put on the hat, Noah decided that he wanted to wear it. I gave it to him and he hasn’t been without it much since. He puts it on every morning before we walk over to the neighbor’s house to drop him off and he’s wearing it when I get back to pick him up in the afternoon.