Thursday, April 8, 2010

Children's Miracle Network Hat

On Tuesday, April 6, Maria and I brought Noah to share Noah’s heart transplant story with Walmart and Sam’s Club employees at their Children’s Miracle Network Fundraiser kick-off. It was awesome to be able to express our thanks for their work on the third anniversary of Noah’s heart transplant. The organizer from Duke Children’s Hospital, our Children’s Miracle Network hospital, gave us a bag of goodies for coming which included a hat that I was fond of. As soon as I put on the hat, Noah decided that he wanted to wear it. I gave it to him and he hasn’t been without it much since. He puts it on every morning before we walk over to the neighbor’s house to drop him off and he’s wearing it when I get back to pick him up in the afternoon.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

he's SUCH a cutie!!!! it was so good to see him AND GET A HUG!!!!!!!! that's the first time he's come to me eagerly, and it just MADE MY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!