Saturday, June 23, 2007

Doing good

Hello Maria here making some noise on our page. Tim begs me to do this all the time and I usually say no because I can't give it that spin like he does. Anyway I just wanted everyone to know that we are doing fine. Noah is up to 9lbs and 1oz, he is 21 inches long and really starting to fill out. We go to the Dr. at least once a week for weight checks and/or to check his FK-506 levels(anti-rejection med). Every visit has been fine so far except for our trip to Duke on the 14th. Noah was admitted that afternoon for low sodium levels. The Docs wanted to observe him while they brought it up slowly. We were released the very next day. Noah is having a lot of reflux issues but he is gaining weight so we continue to watch this. I think we have called Duke about 15 times or more since we have been home and we have the pediatrician's cell number and we call her often as well. They will never forget me or Noah for as long as they live. I'm not crazy, (no matter what Tim might say) just concerned. Autumn continues to do well with her new brother. She loves him and wants to help all the time. She gets diapers, wipes and throws stuff away for me. She loves to help give him a bath and she also likes to hold him. We are so very proud of her! Starting next month she will stop going to school and she will stay at home with Mommy and Noah. She is excited about it! She started her gymnastics at the Little Gym again this summer and she loves it. I think we are going to have a good summer and I know it will take time to get use to things but I am so happy to be at home with my family. It has been way too long for any mother to be with out her children. I pray that I never have to be without my family again. Thank you to everyone for all the prayers and support. We have been so strong and it has been because people like you pray for our family everyday. God is good and with him all things are possible. Our faith is so much stronger and we thank him each and every day for our beautiful family and our wonderful friends and family like you. Thanks again!


Aunt Barb said...

We like hearing from Mom as much as from Dad! The kids look like little angels-I know, sometimes they can act more like little devils, but that's what makes 'em kids! I'd probably be in touch with the hospital and pediatrician a lot, too. Being a parent gives you enough to worry about(like little girls who love climbing trees!), but with Noah's medical condition there's even more to concern you-but, as you said, God is good!!! And He is always with you!! Love to you all-Barb

Rebekah said...

Hey Maria! Your babies are so adorable! Autumn just gets cuter the older she gets!!!!! I am so glad she is doing well too. I know you must be enjoying being all home together again!