Tuesday, June 5, 2007

A late weekend update

Sorry for the delay between posts. It was a tiring weekend which took me a full day to recover from. Saturday night, I stayed with Noah in the hospital. I was apprehensive about doing it, but I wanted to give Maria a break. I say it as though I volunteered, but Maria was going to make me stay with him anyway. The night started off peacefully. I was just having to change the little man’s diapers every couple of hours. As he rested, I kept my ears tuned to every little sound he made. Then I fell asleep until midnight when the nurse came in to start his feeds. She noticed that Noah’s heart rate and blood pressure were normal, which is not normal for Noah. She called in the resident, who called in the resident from the PICU and another doctor. They collaborated and ordered an immediate EKG and chest X-ray. While the people were coming and going from the room, Noah’s nurse kept trying to get a good blood pressure. After an hour and a half, I guess Noah got sick of it and threw up all his feeds. So, the doctors ordered that his feeds be cut off. By 2:00 a.m. everyone was gone and Noah was agin resting peacefully. I didn’t get much more rest after that though. I was very glad to see Maria arrived at noon the next day.
The following day, one of Noah’s cardiologists spoke with me and basically said he wasn’t too concerned with Noah’s numbers because he was resting when the numbers were low. He said he wasn’t too concerned with Noah throwing up all his feeds after all he’d been threw while his stomach was filling up. He said that he was going to ask that his feeds be re-started. Sometime later, I asked someone why his feeds hadn’t been started. That person told me that the radiologist who read Noah’s chest X-ray had found a hernia. We were freaking out. It wasn’t until 2:00 a.m. that a doctor came and explained to us that what the radiologist had thought was a hernia was just something that was supposed to be there. It appeared wrong because of the way Noah was positioned when the X-ray was taken. The doctor explaining it to us said that she was going to advise the pediatric team that Noah could start getting his feeds again. Thirteen hours after his feeds had been stopped, they were started again.

That was very discouraging to me because Noah was scheduled to be discharged on Monday as long as he was tolerating his feeds. I knew the big break in feeding would set us back and it did. I know that our hospital time is winding down, though.
Noah tired out from his first stroller ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that everything is going good and that he doesn't have a hernia! Poor little guy has been through enough. Hope you are able to take him home soon. We'll have to plan a trip home so the girls can meet him and then Autumn can meet Clara too!
We'll continue to pray for Noah!! Give him a big kiss for me!