Friday, August 3, 2007

Autumn’s Potty Training Progress

For the past week Autumn has pooped in the pot at least once a day. Last night she pooped in each of our three toilets (apparently she had been waiting for me to get home before taking care of any business). I took her to the grocery store to get another special doughnut. If she continues to at least make the effort to get to the toilet when she’s got to go for the rest of the weekend, I’d say she will have earned those Dora popsicles which are the next step up from the special doughnut. We’re still having accidents here and there, but I’m extremely proud of how far she has come so quickly with this potty training. Below is a goofy picture Maria took of Autumn riding her big wheel yesterday evening. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

What a great family! We had a blast tonight! THANKS you guys!