Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Hey, Darling Boy, Don’t You Cry For Me

I worked with a lady who was, well, beyond retirement age, grumpy, and very high strung.  She grumbled to herself constantly and her language was quite salty when she was really agitated.  Her raspy voice from years of smoking seemed to make her endless muttering all the more harsh and unpleasant.  She worked in our small branch office and I despised having to go there because there was no making her happy and there was no stopping her complaints.  I once found out that she was being promoted and I complained because I wanted her to go on and retire.  How rude of me!

I found out after she did retire that she lived with an abusive husband.  She worked all day while he spend all her money on his indulgences, including her retirement savings.  Then she would leave work and go to her rural home and get physically and verbally abused.

I saw this lady a couple of years after she retired while I was out running an errand for work.  I tried to avoid her but it was too late, she caught me in the aisle.  However, she was different now.  Her scowl was replaced by a beaming smile and her frantic nerves were now a bubbly energy.  She told me of how her life had changed when she finally left her husband and got the heck out of Dodge.  We had great, long conversation in the store and she fondly inquired about everyone back at work.  I told her that I would pass on her greetings to everyone as we parted and I walked away mind-blown by her transformation.

As I laid in the hammock after work yesterday evening, I paused my prayers to listen for a response from my Heavenly Father and I thought of my old coworker.  There I was grumbling to the Lord again about how I can’t stay comfortable in this pandemic and into my mind pops this lady and her resurrection story.  I believe that God put her on my mind to give me hope.  I hope this lady’s story is a foreshadowing of better times to come, served to me with a piece of humble pie.  Maybe I should stop my grumbling and moaning and start trusting God.

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