Sunday, March 29, 2020

Birthday Surprise

I can imagine how my mother must have felt when she visited with her mother for the first time after my family moved from her hometown in Massachusetts to North Carolina.  I can imagine that neither Mom nor Grandma could hold back the tears of joy when they embraced after that first extended absence from each other.  Though their worlds had changed with the addition of much space between them, Grandma felt overwhelming joy in reuniting with her child and Mom felt overwhelming joy in reuniting with her mother.

I felt that overwhelming joy when my own parents came Friday to deliver a cake and a birthday present to me before the state-wide shelter-in-place order was to begin later that evening.  I was having a particularly tough time trying to telework as it was the last day of the pay period and I’m the timekeeper for my office.  I was trying to help Noah and Samuel with their schoolwork while I tried working remotely for the first time since the pandemic started.  Eventually, all hell broke loose when I found out that we needed to record our telework hours and I got overwhelmed.  Then, just as I walked away from my computer, I saw my parents’ car pull up and I grabbed the kids to bring them outside.  I thought my parents may just be driving by to wave, so I didn’t want them to go before we all got to see them.  They stopped, though, and gave me some birthday stuff and gave the kids some treats.  I was overwhelmed with joy.

I’ve had more positive times over the past few days, like the feeling of joy when my parents made their surprise visit.  The weekend was especially nice and I’ve tried to remain focused on God.  I’m still experiencing some crippling anxiety, especially at night.  When I’m optimistic, I feel like my Heavenly Father is looking out for me and will provide for my needs.  Why can’t I always believe that, though?  Maybe that’s what God is working on inside of me.

My dad whittled, sanded and stained this clinging cross for me.

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