Sunday, March 25, 2007

March 25, 2007 Update

I failed to mention in yesterday’s post that Noah is being put in his swing by his fabulous nurses quite frequently and he seems to enjoy it. Both Friday and Saturday night when I went to visit him, he was sitting calmly in the swing. It is good to see him anywhere outside the hospital basinet. Some of his nurses, and even last night’s resident, have told me that Noah is a favorite amongst the nurses to hold. It makes us fell good that the nurses hold him, especially during the night when we’re asleep in our beds.

Last night, the resident explained to me why they are taking x-rays of Noah’s mid-section every six hours. Because Noah has had a trace of blood in his stool, they want to make sure that he doesn’t have something that they refer to as nec – short for necro-something-something-something. It is a fast attacker of the bowels causing them to shut down when it is at its worst, I think. The resident said that if Noah had it, they would be able to stop his feeds and treat it with antibiotics. The resident implied that she didn’t feel that Noah had nec, but it was just a precaution they were investigating especially because hypoplastic left heart syndrome patients are at higher risk of getting it.

Maria tells me that Noah is doing fine today. He has both sets of grandparents coming to visit today. The big event scheduled for today is getting Autumn in to see him. She’ll have to see him through the glass, but at least she’ll know he’s there. Another cool thing is that Maria’s parents should be able to hold him for the first time today.

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