Tuesday, March 27, 2007

March 27, 2007 Update

For the last few days, Noah has been steadily getting bigger and stronger. I think that is the plan until the doctors decide they want to try backing him off his medicines again. He’s just been hanging out with the girls in the back room of the PICU. There are three other beds back there and I think that all his roommates have been girls so far. I think it’s because he’s so mellow and the girls who have come and gone have been so needy. We like him being back there because he is not up front with the critical care patients. The one thing that we don’t like about being in the back room is that there is no partition between the side of the room Noah is on and the NICU, where the premies are. Because of that, Autumn will not get to go back to see Noah in person.

Autumn did get a chance to see Noah through a window, though. It was awesome because Autumn always tries to run back into the PICU when the automatic doors swing open and she finally made it. At the window, Maria held Autumn up on her shoulder and Autumn waved to Noah who was being held by my mother. Autumn said, "Hi Noah!" and, I love you, Noah." and Noah threw up his hands as if he were waving back. Autumn also blew her little brother a kiss and that was the sweetest thing.

Today, we’re starting our new schedule where Maria comes home Tuesday afternoons and returns to the hospital on Thursday. It’s going to be nice having her home and I’m taking tomorrow off so that we can team up and get some things done around the house. I haven’t dusted, vacuumed, swept, or mopped anything in a month and a half!

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