Monday, July 9, 2007

Well it's been a while but here I am again. I guess we have had Tim so busy that he can barely get any sleep. We have had a rough but good first month at home. We actually only had about 3 weeks at home because you can't count last week considering that we spent the whole week in the hospital. Poor Noah had a fever and between me, the pediatrician and the Duke Dr.'s we decided that Duke's ER was where we needed to go. So at 3am Noah and I took off and he ended up having multiple infection in his broviac. They admitted him for what was thought to be just a few days but as the blood cultures came back they found out it was pretty serious. They removed his broviac on Tuesday and he got an IV in it's place. He then lost that one within 24 hours. They replaced it again and he lost that one in about 20 hours and finally he went to the PICU to receive a pic line but lost that one in less than 18 hours. I don't know what I'm gonna do with that child. The Dr.s decided that his infections can now be treated with oral meds and they gave up on an IV. We went home on Friday the 6th under the condition that we would come back on Monday for another set of cultures. His labs came back all out of whack and we almost had to stay again but we are trying an oral remedy to see if we can flush him out. The Dr. said we might not have given the old infection enough time to clear up but we will see tomorrow. In the mean time poor Noah is getting an extra ounce of fluids and his belly is so full that he is spitting up a little more than before. We have slowed his feeds down to help him out. If this oral remedy doesn't work then we will most likely be admitted to run IV fluids. That should be fun to get started considering they have already blown every good vein he has. That child has so many bruises it's not funny. Please pray that he doesn't have to stay in the hospital again and that he can come home tomorrow.

Just a couple of Duke kids

My daddy makes me smile!

Looking good in yellow.

Excuse me, have you seen my paci?


Anonymous said...

We're praying for the little guy and hope everything goes well! Those are some great pictures of the kids! Chad and I will be coming in with the girls sometime b/f this month is over,so we'll all have to get together!

Rebekah said...

maria & tim,
still keeping you guys in my prayers! i keep checking back here almost daily to see your news and all the pictures.

love you and praying for you!