Wednesday, March 18, 2020

God’s Tools – Possibly You

It’s funny to me how God uses unexpected people to get through to me sometimes.  If you read my post yesterday, I referenced a short sermon by Max Lucado.  According to Wikipedia, Max Lucado has written nearly 100 Christian books, so he’s a popular guy in Christian bookstores.  I guess because Lucado had authored a children’s book I once picked up, I’ve always thought of him as not very deep, though.  I had nothing against him, but I simply identified him as an author of Christian children’s books.  Then God led me to his sermon just as I needed to hear it and my view of Mr. Lucado changed instantly to that of the authoritative Christian figure that many others have seen him as for years.

There is another sermon called Max Lucado – Anxious For Nothing on YouTube that I’ve watched twice in the last two days.  It’s a great teaching on anxiety based on Philippians 4:4-9 with a couple of corny jokes sprinkled in.  I love it when he tells the audience to not meditate on the mess, but to set your gaze on God.  He poses these questions to help us focus on God:

Is God greater than your problem?  Has God ever faced this problem before?  Does God have solutions you’ve not thought of?  Has God got you through these types of things before?  Does God have a good track record?  Is God strong?  Is God sovereign?  Is God still on the thrown? Is He over all?

Two days ago, a gentleman from my work prayed for me when I asked him how he would pray about the coronavirus fallout.  It was definitely a “God thing” that this coworker showed up in my doorway when he did and a “God thing” that he said what he said in prayer.  Like Max Lucado’s question above, my coworker also posed the question while praying that maybe God had solutions that we hadn’t thought of.  I believe my time with this coworker turned out to be another case of God using someone unexpected to get through to me and let me know that He’s here with me.

Please continue to communicate with others during these turbulent times and share positive things that you and others can use to drive out anxiety.  As Lucado said in his sermon I referred to above, “anxiety and gratitude cannot share the same heart.”  You never know when you’ll be the tool God uses to get through to someone else or who God may be using to get through to you.

Lord God, thanks for showing us some sun yesterday.


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