Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Some of Noah’s nurses would joke about him having a relationship with a couple of the female roommates he had in the Duke Hospital PICU, mainly those who took up residence in the "backyard" with him. The backyard was a name given to a room behind the rest of the PICU. It was separated from the rest of the PICU and only had room enough for a maximum of four infant beds. Most of the backyard babies ended up being long-term tenants. As Noah spent most of his four month stay in the backyard, we got comfortable there and got to know many of the families of children who stayed in the backyard. In fact, I think all those who Maria stays in contact with had babies in the backyard.

One of the girls that Noah’s nurses would fantasize about him going on to have a relationship with was Kylea. They would say that Kylea would wear the pants in that relationship as she tended to be louder and much more feisty than laid back Noah. I remember the wonderful feeling I had when I heard Kylea whaling shortly after coming off the ventilator, a feat that took Noah at least a month to attain.

Kylea was a few months older than Noah but she wasn’t put on the heart transplant list until after Noah received his new heart. Maria encouraged Kylea’s parents after she was placed on the list by telling them that Noah’s transplant turned out to be one of the greatest miracles bestowed upon us, even though it was one of the scariest things we had been through.

Kylea had to wait longer than Noah for her new heart but she got to leave the hospital more quickly after her transplant. Recently, it was discovered that an infection in her new heart muscles would require her to need another transplant. Her heart failed and she was put on a heart and lung bypass machine . Her heart eventually woke up and did everything it was suppose to. Her other organs appeared to be working fine as well. Kylea would wake up and look around and Tara her mother said she appeared to recognize her. At this time it still wasn't clear if she needed another heart, so on ECMO she would remain. If you know anything about this machine you know that the longer you stay on it the harder it is to come off and it can cause deadly side effects. In Kylea's case it caused her brain to bleed and eventually it caused her to be brain dead.

This night, as I sit tired and sleepless thinking about Kylea, I ask the Lord to care for her, a flower that He plucked from His garden, and display her prominently on the greatest alter so that she may make our heaven more beautiful.


Jenna said...

We can't believe the news and are so saddened by it. Prayers are with Kylie's family. We miss you guys and pray that all is well. Hoping that Noah is thriving. Love- Jenna, Parker, and PJ

Aunt Barb said...

So sorry to hear about both Mabel and Kylie. It's hard to understand these children suffering so much, and their parents having to try to cope with the loss of their children. Too bad we aren't able to see God's greater plan. Our prayers are with all the families you have met at Duke, and all the beautiful flowers God has choosen. Barb