Tuesday, April 3, 2007

At least Noah is stable again

I just spoke with Maria and she told me that Noah is stable now, but he is very feisty when he wakes up. He tries hard to pull the ventilator tube out of his mouth. He is very partial to his pacifier which he can’t have while on the ventilator. Maria said it breaks her heart to see him try to suck on the tube they put in his mouth to clean it out. Maria also said that he tries to cry, but there is no sound again. Because he is so relentless in trying to get his ventilator tube out, they will be giving him more doses of mild sedatives.

The nurses got an A-line in Noah last night, which is used to draw blood. Maria said that she counted 25 spots on one side of his body and that there were at least as many on the other side. The spots are where they tried to put the line in his veins. Tonight they are going to try to put a PIC-line in, which is used to deliver medicine, so pray that they get one in easily. He already has one PIC-line in his wrist, but I guess they want one closer to his heart. They can use one closer to his heart to insert a monitor that constantly monitors his blood pressure.

Noah is now officially on the heart transplant list. That would have scared the crap out of me any time before yesterday, but now I pray that he gets a heart soon.

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