Monday, April 30, 2007


Noah is still making good progress. One of his doctor’s casually said that we wouldn’t be in the hospital for two more weeks when Maria asked. I think all Noah’s medicines are being injected into one of his lines now instead of being dripped in constantly. So, I think that the main goal now is to get him to eat. After pulling his feeding tube out this weekend, a new one was put in that only goes down to his stomach instead of straight into his intestines. He spit up a few times over night, though, so they stopped his feeds. I’m not sure if they’ve started back yet.

We had an OK time together this weekend. We checked out of the Ronald McDonald House Sunday and another family checked into our old room right behind us. Checking out of there, Maria said, was kind of like saying goodbye to a friend. Autumn got to play with her buddy, Easton, another two year-old from Tennessee. She had been looking forward to seeing him again all last week. She loves him and it’s going to be tough explaining to her that he’s gone home the next time we go to the hospital.

Otherwise, we were all about to go plum crazy from being cooped up in that little hospital room. We were all a bit tried and cranky all weekend, but I feel worst for Maria. She never got to leave the room while we were there other than to put a load of laundry into the washer. I can tell she’s tired of everything, tired in general and ready to go home. I’m very proud of her. I’d have had to call in back-up a long time ago. Please enjoy the pictures taken this weekend.

Family picture

Noah (with no tubes) and Autumn

Autumn and Easton

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