Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Check-out time

Step-down. The Floor. The Nursery. Whatever you call it, Noah will be there within the next couple hours according to the caller who just phoned me from the hospital. WOO-HOO! Another first for the little guy - he’s never been anywhere other than operating rooms and the PICU. Maria says that Noah’s having another great day and the caller form the hospital said that he’s well enough that he doesn’t need to be in the PICU anymore. That light at the end of the tunnel isn’t so faint anymore. Thanks to everyone who has thought about or prayed for us so far. And to all who have reached out to help us, thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How awesome is that!!! That is great! I am so happy for that little man! God sure is keeping him strong and keeping his strength up!
Give him my love and tell him Aunt Ann can't wait to hold him!!
Love you Noah!!