Tuesday, April 17, 2007

April 17, 2007 Noah Update

I should start by clarifying my last post a bit. I got a couple of concerned calls and emails yesterday after I posted the update and felt that I probably painted too dark a picture of how Noah was doing. Please remember that the information I post in the updates is usually third/fourth-generation news. What I should have added to yesterday’s post is that I think what Noah is going through is pretty typical of post-transplant setbacks. The doctor I spoke with this weekend didn’t seem too concerned about anything. He told me that it’s a big balancing act trying to get all the medications regulated after surgery. And I can tell that Maria is concerned, but she’s not devastated about any of Noah’s little problems that have been arising lately. I know that I could tell if she were too concerned. So, overall, we are confident that Noah is progressing.

Noah is in for his first biopsy as I’m writing this. He had a good night and the only concern Maria indicated was that Noah has a lot of air in his stomach. Hopefully they’ll be able to give Noah some "fart pills,"as an old pharmacy customer would say, to get rid of the gas. Please pray that his biopsy results come back clean. We should get those results in a few days. For now, enjoy this picture of Autumn. She is getting along just fine and she is a good girl. I’m very proud of her.

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