Thursday, April 19, 2007

Copy of a letter from Maria to her peeps

Well, everyone here is doing ok so far. Noah went on Tuesday to have his first of many heart catheterizations. We won't know the results from that until maybe today or tomorrow. He has to have this done often to determine the level (if any) of rejection. Noah did go back on the ventilator on Monday due to a collapsed lung but, for the most part, that is better. He still has some fluid on his lungs but they think he will come off either today or tomorrow. I didn't cry when they put him back on mostly because I knew he had to go back on regardless because of the heart cath. He just needed it a little longer. The only other thing that has changed with him is that he has some significant swelling in the abdomen and most of his upper body. They have run tests and checked him and the final word is that it is from where the pressure in the right side of the heart is not where it should be yet. This can cause a fluid build up in the upper body and with time and meds it should get better. Already since Tuesday it has made some progress, small but in the right direction. Other than these small things we are doing well and we are still holding on. He is still in PICU and no word on when we will get to step down but hey we've been here for two and a half months we will take it as slowly as we need to. Thank you for your continuous prayers and support. Take care, Maria Brooks

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