Monday, April 2, 2007

Weekend Update

The Brooks gang had a good weekend, except for the pollen wreaking havoc on my sinuses. My allergies actually helped me become a little more comfortable with Noah, though, because I had to keep putting him down and picking him back up when I had to sneeze or blow my nose. Apparently, he’s not as fragile as I thought. Feeling comfortable with him also helped me calm him because he likes to be held and to be moved. Before this weekend, I would just sit in a chair with him in my arms until he’d nearly slide out, then I’d call a nurse over to help me reposition him. This weekend I was swaying and rocking with him and he never got fussy with me.

Maria said that Noah did stay fussy last night because he was behind on his feeding schedule. Yesterday, he pulled out his feeding tube and it wasn’t until about five and a half hours later that he started getting breast milk through his tube again. In the meantime, Maria got to feed him a little through a bottle nipple. She said that he sucked 10 cc’s out of the nipple and then she burped him after.

We’ve got about another week of beefing up Noah before they start backing him off his Milrinone (the blood pressure medicine). I’m praying that everything goes well when that happens so we can start thinking about bringing him home. It will be nice to see if there’s a light at the end of this tunnel.

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