Monday, April 9, 2007


How is Noah doing?
Great! He is a little swollen still but that is to be expected. The doctors have given him a diuretic to help him pee some of the extra fluid off. Noah has been taken off a few of the medicines he came out of surgery on and he’s been taken off the pacemaker. He has better color now than he’s ever had - the blue in his nail-beds is fading. I can easily tell by watching his chest that his heart isn’t working as hard and his breathing looks more natural. He opens his eyes when stimulated, but he’s still sedated because his chest is still open - they want him to stay comfortable and not move much.

How is Maria doing?
Great! Like a good mother, her well-being is reflective of Noah’s well-being. As long as Noah’s doing OK, Maria will be OK (as long as she gets a good night’s rest).

How is Autumn doing?
Autumn is OK. She got pretty spoiled this weekend and ate to much Easter candy. Now, all she wants is candy.

What is your favorite type of beer?
A well-crafted, strong smoked porter.

What is next for Noah?
The doctors plan to sew up his chest today. They will continue to try to back him off his post-op medicines and the ventilator. Noah will be in the hospital for about a month if all continues to go well. I don’t even know enough to speculate what happens while he is there. We were told that if he went home any sooner, then he would have to come back like everyday for a doctor appointment.

What is your favorite color?

How long did Noah’s heart transplant surgery last?
About four hours. I got a call at 3:30 p.m. telling me that the surgery was underway and another call around 7:30 p.m. telling me that surgery was over.

1 comment:

brooksie8 said...

Well, I like Patriot's blue and prefer a light, well-balanced pale ale with a delicate hop taste and a slightly sweet malt finish, but it is not about me this time...
The little guy looks good in his pics and I/we are thonking about ALL of you guys!!!! Keep up the good work and stay strong. Love you....