Sunday, May 20, 2007

Star-studded weekend

We had a great weekend in Durham. All the grandparents came to visit. Noah's heart was racing while my parents were visiting him on Saturday, but it calmed down Saturday night. He has also been losing weight over the last week, so his caretakers are trying to figure out why. His feeds were increased last week, so he really should be gaining weight. I think he had lost like half a pound over four days. Noah was tested for overactive thyroid today, which could be causing him to burn more calories, but that came back negative.

Autumn, I think, had a great time this weekend. She got to see and play with her friends Easton and Jacob. And Maria, as always, enjoyed having company.

We got to meet Jeff Foxworthy as he toured the Children's Hospital with his wife and kids. I guess they go around to meet the kids and their families at Duke (and possibly other hospitals) every year. Foxworthy said that he's been doing it for eleven years and he loves seeing the older kids that come up and ask him if he remembers visiting them in the hospital years ago. He seemed like a really swell guy and I was impressed that he remembered Noah's name when we saw him leaving the PICU quite some time after he left Noah's room. As we talked to him in the hallway, I was holding Autumn and noticed that she was picking her nose. I removed her finger and she put it right back. I then just said something about how proud we were of her. I also saw some country music singer, but I didn't know who he was and I don't remember his name - sorry!

Papa and Gramma Garcia with Noah and Foxworthy.
Maria's brother Adam with Foxworhty.

The Brooks Gang (minus Noah) with Foxworthy.

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