Sunday, May 27, 2007

May 27, 2007 Noah Update

Despite what I said in my last post, we are still in the PICU. It turns out that Noah has another biopsy scheduled for tomorrow and they’re just letting him stay in the PICU since he’ll have to re-intubated, or put back on the ventilator, there. Noah has been doing well, except that he gets real worked up when he gets angry. He holds his breath, turns beet-red, then his eyes go crazy, pupils dilate, and he spaces out as if he were passing out. Then he comes around and is fine again. They are checking to see if him anti-rejection medicine might be the cause of it. He had a good visit with his uncle Chris and his cousin Ellen, who came down from Massachusetts to meet him and Ellen’s other cousins, Autumn, Alexa and Clara. Autumn and Ellen played well together and I wish we lived closer.

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