Wednesday, May 9, 2007

May 9, 2007 Noah Update

Noah has getting better over the last couple days. Yesterday he had to go to the OR so the doctors could clean up his scar, which is not healing properly in one spot. He was taken to the OR just in case they needed to do anything else. Fortunately, they determined that there was no infection and just cleaned it up and sent him back to the PICU. Right before going to the OR, Noah finally managed to pull out his ventilator tube. So, they had to re-intubate him for a day. They removed the ventilator last night. Maria said that Noah didn’t sleep very well last night, probably because he was drug-free. Well, you know, not entirely drug-free. Maria said he is doing good today and she was holding him when I last spoke with her. She is coming home this evening so we can take Autumn to the GYC Carnival if it doesn’t rain.

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