Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A few days worth of stuff

All kinds of things worthy of note have been happening lately. I’ll start with Noah news. Noah is doing great. I got to hear him cry today for the first time since April 3. His weak cry was so precious. Maria sent me the attached picture of Noah crying with the audio of him crying. Maria says that she expects that they’ll move Noah out of the PICU tomorrow.

Autumn and I stayed home yesterday because she had an ear infection. We went to the doctor to get some more drops for her ear, which I get the privilege of putting in twice a day - I might as well be pulling her teeth out! Today she seems to be feeling much better. Anyway, it was nice staying home with her yesterday and getting an afternoon nap.

Maria seems to be doing good. I think she had an enjoyable and relaxing Mother’s Day. Autumn and I picked up breakfast for her from Elmo’s Diner then we gave her some gifts. She liked what her kids gave her and the Ronald McDonald House had a hair stylist come in to give the mothers free hair cuts. Then we had a delicious meal made by one of the house guests.

Speaking of dinner at the Ronald McDonald House, a classmate of mine from high school volunteered to provide dinner to the house Saturday night. I was quite surprised to see her and very thankful for what she and her family prepared for the house guests.

According to Joy, my neighbor at work, today is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. Please enjoy responsibly.

My good buddy, Travis, and his wife are on the road to their new home in Washington, DC. I just met them as they drove through Greensboro so they could turn over custody of our beer brewing kit to me. I’m going to miss them. Then again, if I’m able to go visit them now, it will be all that much cooler in DC.

A little boy whose family we’ve come to know through our numerous situational commonalities is having open-heart surgery soon. Please pray for baby Weston and his family as they go through this tough time. I read on their Caring Bridge site that if Weston’s surgery isn’t successful, he will need to be put on the heart transplant list. Weston is the little brother of Easton who is pictured with Autumn on an earlier post.

Also, please drive safely. I passed an accident on my way to work this morning in which a small car had run into the back of a big flatbed truck. The car I think is the one that I see flying by me almost every morning. I’ve often thought that that guy is going to get a ticket one day. Well, today I think he suffered worse consequences than getting a ticket. As I’ve heard my mother say countless times, "It’s better to be safe than sorry."

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