Saturday, May 12, 2007

Big eyes

The breathing tube that was supplying Noah with a low dose of supplemntal oxygen was removed. He has also been taken off the Milrinone (the heart medicine that keeps him in the PICU). A couple of his nurses said that he is discovering his hands and reaching out for his mobile. It's fascinating to watch kids discover the things we take for granted. Noah opens his eyes so wide that it seems like he's always spellbound to discover everything around him.

It makes me recall a time when Noah wasn't doing good and his eyes didn't open as wide. His sad eyelids would only slit open and his eyes would roll down showing his brown irises looking out. He'd see you there and that is all he needed. The eyes would roll back up and the eyelids would sink back over them.

His eyes have been big and full of wonder for a while now, thank God. I just can't wait to get him out to see the rest of the world. I know he's going to love it.

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