Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Another step back

Things got worse for Noah before getting any better again today. It seems to us that weeks of progress were simply erased in a single day. Once he was moved back to the PICU, they determined that the only IV line left in Noah was in need of replacement. When I last spoke with Maria they had put a line back in his head and were working on putting another one in. They also put him back on the dreaded ventilator. Maria was told, though, that at least he seemed to respond well to the ventilator as his color has come back. I feel weird thinking that I’m glad Noah’s back in the PICU and that we’re probably too scared to bring him home now anyway. Maybe they’ll be able to pinpoint what went wrong so we won’t have to continuously worry about it happening again if he does get to come home someday.


Anonymous said...

Tim hang in there and keep the faith.Gods got this! Noah will come home when he is good and ready.This is just another setback but I know in my heart he will be fine! He's come too far now and God will keep that little boy strong.He's such a little fighter he won't give up.He's got a lot of prayer around him!

Rebekah said...

My mom used to sing my sister and I a song that helped her through rough times after my dad died. I remember the lyrics saying ... "He didn't bring us this far to leave us. He didn't teach us to swim just to let us drown..." God hasn't brought you this far to forget you or Noah! We're praying and God is still there. Don't give up!!!