Tuesday, May 29, 2007

May 29, 2007 Noah Update

Supposedly, Noah will be going to step-down today. I know, we've heard that one before. I will believe it when he's there. Noah had his biopsy and ultrasounds yesterday and his cardiologist told me that everything is progressing slowly, but progressing nonetheless. His heart still isn't relaxing after it pumps like it should but it is slightly better now than last time, as is his breathing. At this time I still haven't heard what his current rejection level is.

I waited to see Noah after his biopsy yesterday and expected him to be sedated and on the ventilator. I was told by another PICU dad that there were a lot of people standing around his crib when he left and that made me even more nervous. When I went back to see him, I was surprised that he was awake, alert, and moving around with no supplemental oxygen. He appeared no different than when I had left him the night before.

Today I pray that baby Jacob's health improves. Jacob is only about a week old and he's been through so much already. He is going to have a long, hard road to recovery ahead of him if he makes it through the next couple of days. I also pray that his family gets the strength they need to pull them through.

Yesterday, Memorial Day, we went to a Durham Bulls baseball game and had a blast. I will post some pictures tomorrow. Until then, please enjoy Autumn's daycare below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a little beauty!! I love this picture of her! Give her our love.